The resignation letter is a type of document commonly used in businesses when an individual resigns. So what is a resignation decision form, and what types of forms are included?
What is a resignation letter?
The resignation decision form is a document applied by enterprises/companies/groups or mass organizations to an individual when they resign.
The decision to resign will clearly state information about the signed labor contract of both parties. In the decision, the employer should clearly state the full name, position and office of the employee.
The employer must fully and accurately record the employee’s leave time and reason for leaving.
Sample resignation letter
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2 types of allowances that employees are entitled to when they quit their jobs according to regulations
Severance allowance
This is a subsidy paid by the company or organization. An employee who wants to receive this allowance must fully meet the following conditions:
- The employee has worked regularly for 12 months or more
Note: In case employees are eligible for pension, employees are not entitled to this type of allowance
- The employee falls into one of the cases of termination of the labor contract in a number of clauses of article 34 of the Labor Code 2019.
Severance pay is a benefit paid by the company when leaving a job
Unemployment benefits
This allowance is submitted by the employee at the employment service center and must meet the following conditions:
- Pay social insurance in full for at least 12 months within 24 months before the termination of the labor contract
- Submit the application file within 3 months from the termination of the labor contract
- Submit all required documents and documents
Unemployment benefit is the amount supported by the state when you quit your job
Application form for leave of absence due to family circumstances
The resignation decision form is actually an administrative document. Therefore, when writing a letter of resignation because of family circumstances, employees need to ensure certain principles. Written language must be formal and polite.
- Start with the country’s name and motto. In which, the national emblem is presented in capital letters, in bold and vertical font. The title tag is written in lowercase, in bold and vertical font.
- The name of the type of administrative application, in this case, “Application for leave/resignation” is written in large, prominent capital letters.
Professional family leave application form
- Place/recipient of application: the applicant writes “Dear…” and then writes the name of the place where the application is received or the recipient and relevant departments responsible for processing the leave application.
- Basic information of the applicant: “My name is…age…position…in department…ID number/CCCD, place of residence…”. The level of detail of the information depends on the requirements of each unit.
- State clearly your wish to resign and state that the reason for leaving is due to family circumstances
- Specify the time you want to quit your job and the time to hand over the job
- Specify what position the subject is assigned to do, which department
- Specify the content of the assigned tasks
- Commitment to the information listed above is true
- Send thank you to the business
The end
- Signature and full name
- Confirmation of the approver, responsible departments
Sample resignation letter due to family circumstances standard
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Sample certificate of leave of absence enjoying social insurance
The form of decision on leave to enjoy social insurance shall be recorded by doctors and nurses working at medical facilities and issued to employees participating in social insurance to take time off from work to take care of children or receive outpatient treatment.
The certificate of leave to enjoy social insurance must be clearly and completely written, not erased and written entirely in Vietnamese.
Upper left corner: Specify the name of the medical facility, write the medical examination and treatment number. In case the medical examination and treatment establishment has many departments, the number of medical examination and treatment according to that medical examination and treatment department shall be recorded.
Patient information
First line
Fill in the full name, date of birth of the patient who is granted the certificate of leave of absence enjoying social insurance in capital letters. In case there is only the year of birth, enter the year of birth.
Second line
- Social insurance number: Enter the full social insurance book number issued by the social insurance agency (applicable only when the social insurance agency officially announces the use of the social insurance number instead of the health insurance card number)
- Health insurance card number: Fill in the full card code including the alphanumeric part according to the information on the patient’s health insurance card. In which the capital letters (applicable only when the social insurance agency officially announces the use of the social insurance number instead of the health insurance card number)
Item diagnosis and treatment method
Diagnostic content: a detailed description of the health condition or the name of the disease. If you have a disease that requires long-term treatment, write down the disease code. If there is no disease code, write the full name of the disease. The recording of disease codes and disease names shall comply with the provisions of Circular No. 46/2016/TT-BYT dated December 30, 2016 of the Ministry of Health, promulgated by the Ministry of Health.
– Contents of treatment methods: write treatment indications. In case of termination of pregnancy:
- Under 22 weeks of age: based on the actual condition to write the treatment method in one of the following cases: abortion, miscarriage, abortion, cesarean section, except for the case of pregnancy reduction during the implementation process. In Vitro Fertilisation.
- From 22 weeks of age and older: specify vaginal delivery, caesarean section or surgical delivery.
The week of pregnancy is based on the date of the last menstrual period or ultrasound results in the first 3 months of pregnancy. In case the patient has to terminate the pregnancy due to a medical condition, please specify according to the doctor’s instructions, and write “… pathology” right after the diagnosis.
Sample certificate of leave of absence enjoying social insurance
– Number of days off: the decision on the final number of days off is based on the patient’s health condition but must not exceed 30 days for a single grant of a certificate of leave to enjoy social insurance. Particularly, if the patient is treated for tuberculosis under the national anti-tuberculosis program, the maximum leave time shall not exceed 180 days.
Read more: How long is the health certificate to work, how much does it cost, what to prepare?
Information about father and mother
Fill in the full name of the patient’s father and mother (if any) in case the patient is a child under 7 years old
Confirmation of the head of the unit
The head of the medical examination and treatment facility or an authorized person will sign and seal. In case the head or authorized person is also a medical examiner, that person only needs to sign and stamp in this part, not in Part y, the medical doctor but still must clearly state the date, month and year. grant.
[Download] Here is a summary of the most complete resignation letter forms:

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Application form for leave without pay
During the working year, there will be periods of time when you have your own plans and have used up the prescribed paid leave. At that time, you need to use the application for unpaid leave to submit to your boss.
The contents of this application form are as follows:
- National title, motto
- Type of application: Application for leave without pay
- “Dear”: this part you fill in the recipient’s name and approve your application
- Applicant information: Full name, employee code (if any), title, department, phone number and contact address
- Unpaid leave period: specify from which day the leave starts and on which day it ends.
- Leave reason: specify the reason for your leave, the more reasonable the reason, the easier the application for leave will be approved
- Content of work handover: specify the information of the person who temporarily receives and handles your work during your leave (including full name, department, department, contact information), jobs handed over…
- Sign and write full name
Application form for unpaid leave
English resignation letter form
In order for the manager not to miss the email, you should start the title of your resignation letter in English with some phrases such as “Letter of resignation”, “Resignation Letter”, “Farewell Letter”, …
Next, you will write the opening greeting to the manager as follows:
“Dear Mr/Mrs [Tên quản lý/giám đốc]”
The resignation letter can add from the post of [vị trí công việc hiện tại của bạn] from [Tên công ty bạn đang làm]
This part you should go straight to the request to resign. As well as announcing the time when I plan to officially retire.
This is extremely important information for the manager to proactively plan to arrange the person to take over your job during the time you are about to leave.
For example: I am writing to inform you of my resignation from [Tên vị trí công việc]effective [ngày bắt đầu nghỉ].
Application form for resignation in English
This is the main information part of the English resignation decision form. In this section, you need to mention the reason for leaving. Along with positive reviews about the work and people at the company. You also need to commit to completing the assigned work. And fully hand over to colleagues before quitting.
For example:
- My experience with [Tên công ty] has been very great
- I have … years to work with a great team and a kind boss. They help me a lot to become a more perfect person.
- I really want to look for a more challenging opportunity
The end
Thank you to the company and colleagues for helping you during your work
For example:
Thank you so much for the great opportunities and experiences you’ve offered me.
English resignation letter form
[Download] Here is a summary of the most complete resignation letter forms:

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Can I get social insurance if I take 3 years off work?
Taking a 3-year break from work and getting social insurance is not a question many employees are interested in.
According to the provisions of Point b, Clause 1, Article 8 of Decree 115/2015/ND-CP, after one year of leave, an employee who has not paid full 20 years of social insurance payment and does not continue to pay social insurance premiums will be eligible for one-time social insurance benefits.
Therefore, if you quit your job for 3 years but have not paid full 20 years of compulsory social insurance, you will be entitled to one-time social insurance.
According to Clause 2, Article 8 of Decree 115/2015/ND-CP, there are regulations on the level of one-time social insurance benefits which are:
“2. The one-time social insurance benefit is calculated according to the number of years of paying social insurance premiums, each year is calculated as follows:
- 1.5 months the average monthly salary on which social insurance premiums are based for the years of payment before 2014.
- 02 months the average monthly salary on which social insurance premiums are based for the years of payment from 2014 onwards.”
Leaving work for 3 years still has the opportunity to enjoy social insurance
In addition, in Clauses 2 and 4, Article 19 of Circular 59/2015/TT-BLDTBXH stipulates:
“4. When calculating the one-time social insurance premium in case the period of payment of social insurance premiums has odd months, from 01 month to 06 months shall be counted as half a year, from 07 months to 11 months shall be counted as one year.
If before January 1, 2014, if the period of payment of social insurance premiums has odd months, those odd months will be transferred to the period of social insurance payment from January 1, 2014 onward as a basis. one-time social insurance calculation.”
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