The 10 Rarest Items in Elden Ring

Elden Ring

Elden Ring is a game filled with wonders, mysteries, and an insane number of items to discover. Some players might get lucky and stumble upon the rarest treasures, while others can go through multiple playthroughs without ever laying eyes on them. Today, we’re counting down ten of the rarest Elden Ring items —items so elusive that the average player will likely never find them in any of their journeys.

1. Black Dumpling Helm

The Black Dumpling Helm is an incredibly rare piece of armor that offers a unique buff. When the wearer suffers from the Madness status effect, their damage output is increased by 10% for 60 seconds. The best way to trigger this effect is by using the Howl of Shabriri incantation, which directly inflicts Madness on the user. However, acquiring this helm is no easy feat. It drops from a specific enemy in a certain location, and the drop rate is so low that farming for it can take hours.

Location: Found by farming enemies in a specific area (exact location on the map).

Drop Rate: Extremely low.

2. Erdtree Crest Greatshield

For those running a holy knight or paladin build, the Erdtree Crest Greatshield is a fantastic defensive tool. It has incredible Holy Damage Negation, making late-game boss fights significantly easier. However, it has a drop rate so low that most players will never obtain it naturally.

Location: Dropped by a lone Haligtree Knight found near the Haligtree Roots Site of Grace.

Drop Rate: 4%.

3. Monk’s Flameblade

The Monk’s Flameblade is one of the most visually striking weapons in Elden Ring, a Curved Greatsword that scales with Strength and Dexterity. It can be infused with an Ash of War, making it a flexible weapon for various builds. Unfortunately, acquiring it is a test of patience, as it only drops from a specific Monk enemy.

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Location: Found near the Giant-Conquering Hero’s Grave.

Drop Rate: 4%.

4. Envoy’s Greathorn

The Envoy’s Greathorn is a colossal weapon that boasts one of the most unique Ashes of War in the game, the Great Oracular Bubble, which sends a massive bubble floating toward enemies. While it may seem whimsical, this ability is powerful against tanky foes. However, the weapon is notoriously hard to obtain.

Location: Dropped by the Large Oracle Envoys in Elphael, Brace of the Haligtree.

Drop Rate: 2%.

5. Ripple Crescent Halberd

The Ripple Crescent Halberd is the only halberd-type weapon on this list and is primarily designed for Arcane-based builds. It has exceptional Arcane Scaling, making it an excellent choice for applying status effects when combined with greases.

Location: Dropped by Albinauric enemies in Liurnia’s Academy Gate Town or Mohgwyn Palace.

Drop Rate: Very low.

6. Magma Blade

The Magma Blade is one of the rarest weapons in Elden Ring, known for its Ash of War, which spreads magma around the user. It’s often compared to Kratos’ Blades of Chaos from God of War, but farming for two of them to dual-wield is a monumental challenge due to its abysmal drop rate.

Location: Dropped by Serpent-Men enemies in Volcano Manor.

Drop Rate: 1%.

7. Cleanrot Spear & Halo Scythe

These two weapons are among the best Faith-based weapons in the game, but their low drop rates make them incredibly difficult to acquire.

  • The Halo Scythe has an Ash of War that unleashes golden rings, similar to the Elden Beast’s attacks.
  • The Cleanrot Spear is an excellent weapon with a long reach and powerful thrusting attacks.
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Location: Dropped by Lesser Cleanrot Knights in Caelid’s Swamp of Aeonia.

Drop Rate: 2% for Halo Scythe, 1% for Cleanrot Spear.

8. Rotten Crystal Spear & Rotten Crystal Staff

These weapons offer both Scarlet Rot buildup and Magic Damage, making them uniquely suited for hybrid caster-melee builds. However, their drop rate ensures that most players will never obtain them.

Location: Dropped by Lesser Crystalians in the Haligtree area.

Drop Rate: 8%.

9. Celebrant Weapons (Cleaver, Sickle, Rib-Rake)

The Celebrant Cleaver, Celebrant Sickle, and Celebrant Rib-Rake are some of the strangest weapons in Elden Ring. They are crafted from human bones and have a unique effect—granting the player 10 runes per hit. While this doesn’t make them the most powerful weapons, they are certainly among the rarest.

Location: Dropped by Celebrant enemies in Windmill Village (Altus Plateau).

Drop Rate: 0.5%.

10. The Rarest Items in Elden Ring

With drop rates as low as 0.5%, the Celebrant weapons are some of the hardest to obtain. However, if you’re willing to dedicate the time and effort to farm for them, they can be a unique addition to your arsenal.

How to Increase Your Chances of Finding These Items

If you’re determined to farm these ultra-rare items, make sure to use the following item discovery boosters:

  • Silver Scarab Talisman – Increases item discovery.
  • Silver-Pickled Fowl Foot – Temporarily boosts item drop rates.
  • High Arcane Stat – Higher Arcane increases item discovery.

Final Thoughts

Farming rare items in Elden Ring can be a test of patience, but the thrill of finally acquiring a weapon or armor piece that only a fraction of players will ever find is immensely satisfying. Whether you’re hunting for the Magma Blade, Envoy’s Greathorn, or the Celebrant Cleaver, each of these items offers something special—whether it be lore significance, powerful combat utility, or just sheer rarity.

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So, which of these rare items have you found in your journey through the Lands Between? Let know! You can also enjoy buying cheap Elden Ring Runes service here.

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